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Are you a big fan of DeDDDD?

You can help us by making a voluntary donation, by becoming a supporter or by working with us.


The De Dutch Don't Dance Division Foundation is a cultural ANBI, a public benefit institution, which means that a donation is deductible. It also means that you may deduct more than you donated. A donation to us can therefore be tax-efficient.


ANBI form 2023

More information about this can be found on the website of the tax authorities.

Our business manager can also provide you with more information about this.


Become a supporter

Help our dancers flourish. 


For a small amount per year you can become a supporter. You will become part of our DDDDD family and with your support we can offer young dancers an opportunity to gain experience in the field. We can offer them all kinds of performances, let them discover their own creativity and prepare them for a successful career in the dance world. 


As a supporter you are in the front row.

You are welcome to an annual supporters day full of dance and fun where you get an insight into the world of the dancers and our beautiful company. We provide open rehearsals or ballet lessons where you get to know the dancers and the team.

Furthermore, you will be kept regularly informed by means of our newsletter and you will be informed in good time about matters such as ticket sales and exciting new projects.


How do you become a supporter?

Sign up and for a minimum amount of only €75 and you will be a supporter for a year.



Voluntary donation

Would you rather offer one-off support? Every little bit helps! The Dutch Don't Dance Division is very grateful to all the funds, donors and individuals who help make our fantastic productions and projects possible. 


You are welcome to donate to:


Stating 'One time donation'






Work with us

Do you prefer to deliver a product or service? DeDDDD is always looking for new partnerships where added value for both parties is central. The resulting forms of cooperation are very diverse; from financial support to sponsorship in kind on the one hand, to logo and name mention and the provision of courses and workshops and relationship events on the other.

Steun ons: Programma's
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